When purchasing insurance for your RV, make sure that the policy offers campsite liability coverage. Campsite liability, also called vacation liability, will protect you if someone injures himself while visiting your campsite. This type of liability insurance also extends to damage done by your pets, which is a useful feature if you camp with dogs. Even if a visitor injures himself on the fire pit, your RV insurance will still cover the costs of medical care and emergency services. Essentially, campsite liability insurance functions like your homeowner's insurance policy.
RV insurance will also protect you if your vehicle breaks down while traveling this summer. While your RV is being repaired, your insurance policy could reimburse you for some or all of the costs associated with eating, lodging, and transportation. This coverage is only applicable if your RV needs repairs outside of a set distance from your home. Fifty miles is the standard restriction, but you should check your policy for details.
If you've purchased a new RV to enjoy this summer, a specialized policy can offer you full coverage in case of a total loss. Most policies will replace your totaled RV with a comparable model, even if the new model costs more than the RV you bought. This total loss replacement coverage protects you from the high depreciation costs associated with owning an RV. However, total loss replacement is usually limited to the first five years you own your vehicle.
RV insurance policies also offer you the chance to suspend collision and liability coverage when your vehicle is in storage. Just call your agent when your vehicle is off the road and in storage to lower your premium. Of course, you'll have to notify the agent before you go on another trip, but you'll get to enjoy the reduced premium all winter long.
Before signing up for RV insurance, you'll also need to verify with your agent that your recreational vehicle meets their company's eligibility requirements for insurance. An insurance agent will verify that you have refrigeration, cooking appliances, a drinkable water supply, and other common RV amenities before issuing the policy. Motor homes, bus conversions, camper vans, and motor coaches all typically meet these requirements, but the guidelines will vary depending on the insurance company you choose.
To purchase the Dallas RV insurance policy you'll need this summer, give Americo Direct Insurance a call at 214-347-9997.