Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Safe Holiday Cooking

The holiday season is a time to share with loved ones. It’s a time to take a break from your hectic work schedule and relax. It’s also a time to stuff yourself with succulent meals and sugary sweets. Preparing such meals takes an enormous amount of effort, and with your focus pulled in so many directions simultaneously, the risk of a kitchen fire increases. In this article, we’ll look at safety measures you can take while cooking for the holidays.

Keep a Watchful Eye
The number one culprit of kitchen fires is unattended cooking. Always remain in the kitchen when using the stovetop or grilling. While simmering for extended periods or using the oven you can roam the house and complete other chores, but do not leave and keep an open ear for timers going off.

Dress for the Occasion
While cooking, you should wear clothes that fit snugly. Any dangling sleeves or baggy shirts can easily catch fire, especially around your stovetop. Close-toed shoes will protect your feet from hot drips and spills.

Avoiding and Treating Burns
If children are in the house, use the back burners when possible and turn pan handles inward to prevent accidental tipping. However, you may want to make a rule that children must stay at least three feet away from heated cooking appliances for their own safety.
If you or a child does get burned, immediately submerge the burned portion of skin in cool water for three to five minutes. If any burns appear to be more severe than a first degree burn, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Fight or Flee?
If a fire ignites inside of a pan, carefully slide a lid over the pan using an oven mitt. Immediately turn off the burner and let it cool before removing the lid. Never douse grease fires with water, as that could splash burning oil to other areas of your kitchen.

If a fire is too big to contain or extinguish, evacuate your home immediately. Close all doors to the burning room as you leave to prevent spreading. Alert everyone in the house to leave and call 911 immediately.

Enjoy your holidays in a safe, secure home. Call Americo Direct Insurance at (214) 374-9997 for more information on Dallas home insurance.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Common Winter Task: Scraping Ice Off Your Windshield Each Morning

If you park your car outdoors, you may be familiar with having to de-ice your car before you can get to work during the winter, even in Dallas, Texas. This task doesn’t have to become a lengthy process; you can get it done in just a few minutes if you do it properly. Let’s talk about some tips to shave time off your morning preparations.

First off, never make the mistake of pouring hot water over your windshield to melt the ice away. The water can refreeze while you’re driving, putting you right back in the same position where you started. Very hot water can even crack your windshield. Instead, try safer methods of de-icing.
Start your car’s engine (open the garage door first if necessary) and turn the heater on the highest setting. Tilt the vents upward so the hot air is directed at your windshield. While the heat is running, spray your windows with a solution of one part water and two parts rubbing alcohol (vinegar also works). You can use a spray bottle or fill your wiper fluid reservoir with this solution, which cuts through the frost residue. Whichever you choose, turn on your wipers to push off the remaining ice. Between the solution and your heater, the windshield will be blasted on both sides.

Spray this solution on your other windows and mirrors as well. An ice scraper can help remove the broken up ice. Brush away any ice or snow from your headlights and taillights as well. Having your windows, mirrors and lights clear will improve your visibility and make winter driving safer for you and other drivers around you.

Commercial lock de-icer breaks away pesky ice that builds up inside of locks. If you’re caught in a pinch without any, dip your key into a bottle of hand sanitizer. The alcohol content can help penetrate the ice. It’s a good idea to keep hand sanitizer, and ice scrapers, both inside your car and inside your home (or garage) in case these items get frozen inside your car when you need them.
For better protection, a tarp or car cover decreases the snow and ice buildup on cars. You can start your morning by simply removing the cover and performing any necessary touch ups.

A safe car can means a safer winter driving experience. Call Americo Direct Insurance at (214) 374-9997 for more information on Dallas auto insurance.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Filing An Auto Insurance Claim

After a car wreck there are a number of things  you may be worrying about, or you just may not know what to do. First, if you or anyone you know is injured, immediately call 911. After you have confirmed the safety of your loved ones, survey your home and property. If your car has been damaged after a disaster, would you know how to file an auto insurance claim?
To help mitigate your stress during this process, below is a list of steps as to how to file your auto insurance claim.

Report your claim

If your vehicle has been damaged, report your claim online. Phone lines may be busy preventing you from speaking and/or reaching your car insurance company’s claims department. Filing a claim online is as effective as speaking with a claims representative. However, if you prefer to call in and report your claim you may do so as well. Please note that during catastrophic events, callers can experience delays and wait times because of unpredictable spikes in call volumes.

Update your contact information

A disaster can leave you displaced. If you are staying at a different location when reporting your auto insurance claim, make sure to provide the representative with your updated contact information. If you have an email address, it is recommend you provide that as an alternative means of communication during the auto insurance claims process. This will allow your car insurance company to keep you informed of the progress of your claim and repairs.

What’s next?

Once your auto insurance claim is reported your car insurance company will assign you a claims associate. Your representative should contact you within 24 hours after you report your claim. This associate will guide you through the claims process, cover your next steps, and explain your repair options. During catastrophic events repair, towing, and rental car facilities may also be affected by the disaster. This may delay the time it takes to repair your vehicle. Your claims associate should set time-bound expectations to help you anticipate when your claim will be resolved.

For more information about Dallas auto insurance, give Americo Direct Insurance a call at 214-374-9997.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Inspect Your Home This Fall And Prepare For The Winter

Even in Texas, the winter weather can bring snow and ice which can take a heavy toll on a home that hasn’t been prepared for it. As temperatures start to cool down a little, now is the perfect time to inspect your home for small problems that could develop when the winter weather finally arrives. Preparing your home for winter will not only protect you and your family from the elements, but it will also keep your insurance provider happy.

Check Your Roof and Insulation

Take a good look at your roof and identify any missing tiles or shingles. If it’s a flat roof, you should remove any leaves, pine needles and debris immediately, as they can harbor moisture. If you can get onto the roof, you can perform a close inspection yourself. If you’re not comfortable doing that, a good pair of binoculars could work. However, it may be worth paying a local roofing contractor to perform a full inspection.
A big problem during cold winter weather is the formation of ice dams and icicles. They can cause melted water to flow back into your home, leading to structural and mold problems. Hire an energy auditor or roofing contractor to identify possible air leaks and deficient insulation in your attic, as they can be the cause of ice dams and icicles.

Clean Your Gutters

During the course of late summer and fall, your gutters can become blocked with leaves, vegetation and general debris. This can lead to leaks, ice dams and the flow of water back into your home. Clearing guttering is a relatively simple job, but if you’re not up to it, a local gutter cleaning service will usually work on an average-sized home for less than $200.

Turn Off Exterior Faucets

Turn off any exterior faucets you might have before sub-zero temperatures arrive. Any undrained water can freeze and expand, and that can lead to serious flooding which you may not be insured for.

Test Your Sump Pump

Fill your sump pump with water until it switches on; otherwise, you won’t realize it is in need of repair until your home is flooded. Perform regular checks throughout the fall and winter, and attend to repairs immediately.

Have Your Basic Utilities Checked

Electricity, gas and water are all susceptible to interruption in particularly cold weather, so they should be fully inspected by certified engineers in preparation for winter. Defective cabling, wiring and pipework have been known to cause serious floods, fires and explosions, so ensuring that they are up to the job is essential.
Although you will never be able to fully protect your home from the ravages of winter, performing an annual fall inspection should reduce the chances of major problems when the weather takes a turn for the worse. It will also reduce your chances of making an insurance claim, which is something that could keep your premiums as low as possible.
If you would like to discuss your own Dallas home insurance requirements, give Americo Direct Insurance a call at 214-374-9997, and one of our experienced advisers will be happy to help.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Auto Insurance For College Students

As colleges are gearing up to begin and many students are headed away to school, have you notified your auto insurance company or insurance agent ? If so, you may have notice a reduction in your auto insurance premium. Many insurance companies will lower your premium if your child is going to school more than 100 miles away from home. However, there are a couple of different scenarios that can happen when your child is away at college. Your child may or may not be covered under your auto insurance policy, depending on how the insurance company handled the change. The insurance company may have kept your child on your policy as a covered driver or may have listed your child as an excluded driver. If your child is listed as an excluded driver on your policy, he or she is not covered under your auto insurance policy to drive your vehicle.

Chances are that when your child comes home for a vacation, he or she will want to drive your vehicle. It is important that you contact your insurance agent to make sure that your child is actually covered under your policy. If your child is not covered and gets in an accident, you may be held financially liable for the damages.

If you discover that your child is not covered under your auto insurance policy, your insurance agent can make the necessary changes. Since your child spends the majority of his or her time away from home, the auto insurance company will probably give you a discounted rate to compensate for the fact that your child will not be driving the car often. Some insurance companies will allow your child to be rated as a guest driver, without increasing your premium.

Even if you discover that your premium will increase by adding your child to your policy, the reduction in liability risks makes up for the increase in your auto insurance rates. There is another advantage to including your child on your policy as well, and that is liability protection while your child is away at school. If your child borrows another person’s vehicle while away at college and is not covered under the vehicle owner’s insurance policy, you may be held liable for any damages that occur in the event of an accident. Remember, your college student is still considered your dependent, which means you are financially liable for his or her actions.

Have peace of mind with the right Dallas auto insurance coverage for your college student. Give Americo Direct Insurance a call at 214-374-9997 to get the best rates and coverage for your situation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

RV Insurance For Your Summer Vacations

If you're planning on enjoying the outdoors in your RV this summer, be sure that you have the insurance coverage you need before traveling. A typical RV insurance policy will offer you coverage in a wide range of circumstances that standard auto insurance policies are not designed to cover. Most RV insurance policies also offer liability and personal belonging replacement limits that are higher than car insurance policies.

When purchasing insurance for your RV, make sure that the policy offers campsite liability coverage. Campsite liability, also called vacation liability, will protect you if someone injures himself while visiting your campsite. This type of liability insurance also extends to damage done by your pets, which is a useful feature if you camp with dogs. Even if a visitor injures himself on the fire pit, your RV insurance will still cover the costs of medical care and emergency services. Essentially, campsite liability insurance functions like your homeowner's insurance policy.

RV insurance will also protect you if your vehicle breaks down while traveling this summer. While your RV is being repaired, your insurance policy could reimburse you for some or all of the costs associated with eating, lodging, and transportation. This coverage is only applicable if your RV needs repairs outside of a set distance from your home. Fifty miles is the standard restriction, but you should check your policy for details.

If you've purchased a new RV to enjoy this summer, a specialized policy can offer you full coverage in case of a total loss. Most policies will replace your totaled RV with a comparable model, even if the new model costs more than the RV you bought. This total loss replacement coverage protects you from the high depreciation costs associated with owning an RV. However, total loss replacement is usually limited to the first five years you own your vehicle.

RV insurance policies also offer you the chance to suspend collision and liability coverage when your vehicle is in storage. Just call your agent when your vehicle is off the road and in storage to lower your premium. Of course, you'll have to notify the agent before you go on another trip,  but you'll get to enjoy the reduced premium all winter long.
Before signing up for RV insurance, you'll also need to verify with your agent that your recreational vehicle meets their company's eligibility requirements for insurance. An insurance agent will verify that you have refrigeration, cooking appliances, a drinkable water supply, and other common RV amenities before issuing the policy. Motor homes, bus conversions, camper vans, and motor coaches all typically meet these requirements, but the guidelines will vary depending on the insurance company you choose. 

To purchase the Dallas RV insurance policy you'll need this summer, give Americo Direct Insurance a call at 214-347-9997.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Did Your Insurance Declare You As High-Risk? There Is Still Hope For Your Insurance

Insurance companies do more than just offer you a policy that pays for car repairs in the case of an accident. There is a complexity to how and who they offer their insurance policies to, and at what price. In order to offer you a policy, your insurance carrier will assess the amount of risk you will bring to them. Your policy rate will be determined by this decision while the carrier is doing their best to keep the rate affordable but at the same time profitable for them. All of this is reflected upon their ability to provide you with an insurance policy that will protect you and your family in the case of an accident.
After reading that, you might assume that insurance companies will only provide policies for drivers who are low risk - drivers with no accidents, too many tickets or for sure not a DUI. But, insurance companies will in fact offer high risk drivers a policy; it just may be a little harder and more expensive to come by. If you are a high risk driver, an independent insurance agent can work with you to find insurers that will provide you with high risk auto insurance, and to submit your SR-22 if you are required to do so.  
What Is Considered High-Risk?
Accidents, tickets and other moving violations result in points being placed on your driving record. After a certain amount of points, an insurer may decide that you are now considered a high risk. Also, young or older drivers may be considered high risk solely because of their age. Here are some reasons why you may be considered high-risk:
·         Teenage drivers, especially those just learning how to drive
·         Elderly drivers
·         Drivers with an excess of tickets
·         Drivers with a suspended license
·         Drivers who have caused more than one traffic accident
·         Drivers who’ve repetitively driven without insurance coverage
·         Drivers with a DWI or DUI
Finding a High-Risk Policy
Once you find out you are considered a high risk driver, the easiest way to find an insurance policy is to talk to an independent agent. An independent agent has access to policies from many different companies, including non-standard and high-risk insurance, as well as SR-22’s. They will honestly work with your driving record in order to find a policy that will cover you, and be as affordable as possible, regardless of your history.

In order for your agent to be able to find you the best policy, you need to:
·         Be completely open and honest about your driving history
·         Take and document any driver’s safety classes.
·         Prove that you are trying to improve your driving habits.
·         Drive safe! Do whatever you can to avoid adding anything to your record.
SR-22 Filings
Your independent insurance agent will be able to submit an SR-22 for you if you are required to do. They will be able to do this for whatever the amount of time is determined that you are required to submit one.  
Keeping the Insurance
Finding an insurance company that will cover a high-risk driver is half the battle. Now, you need to do everything you can to keep the insurance on your car. After a couple of years, you can search around for a lower cost insurance but for the time being, it is best to maintain your insurance so you can drive legally. Make sure you:
·         Pay your insurance premium on time. If possible, set up automatic payments with the insurance company.
·         Renew your policy completely and on time
·         Do not get any accidents, tickets or other moving violations on your record.
If you’re ready to start exploring your high-risk auto insurance options, let Americo Direct Insurance know at 214-374-9997. We can help you find the right company and Dallas auto insurance policy for all your non-standard needs. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Insurance Differences in Leasing vs. Buying a Car

  1. Coverage is mandatory for leased cars, but not necessarily for purchased cars.
When you lease a car, you are paying to use a car that is actually owned by a finance company; therefore, it makes sense that it is mandatory to purchase a car insurance policy when signing a lease. When you buy a car, that car becomes your own property, and there is no federal law mandating compulsory car insurance. Instead, the laws for car insurance are mandated on a state-by-state basis. While most states have laws dictating mandatory car insurance, some states’ laws are stricter than others. For example, New Hampshire does not even require its residents to purchase car insurance at all if they can prove that they can afford to pay for damages in an at-fault accident.
  1. You can control what you pay for insurance.
  2. While certain types of insurance are mandated, more for leased cars than purchased cars, there are factors you can look for and choices you can make to minimize insurance costs. Vehicle make, model, probability of theft,  and your claims history and driving record can all affect how much you will end up paying for car insurance. If you are looking to reduce insurance costs, do some research before you lease a car and find out what you can do, and what you should look for, in order to pay the lowest amount possible for coverage. This will pay off whether you decide to lease or buy.
  1. Most car lease contracts include GAP insurance coverage.
  2. When you lease a car, it is nearly guaranteed that your lease contract will include GAP (Guaranteed Auto Protection) insurance coverage. If you get into a car accident, your auto insurance policy will cover the current market value of the car, not the total amount of money you actually owe the finance company. This amount can be especially large if you put down a very small up-front payment. GAP insurance covers this literal gap between what is covered and what you owe. GAP insurance is a worthwhile investment when leasing a car, but it is not necessary for someone who purchases a car.
  3. Most car companies require comprehensive and collision coverage for leased cars.
Both comprehensive and collision insurance are crucial for anyone leasing a car. Collision insurance covers the damage done to your vehicle when you collide with another vehicle or object. Comprehensive insurance covers losses caused by anything from fire to natural disasters to vandalism to theft. Most car companies require both types of insurance for leased cars, while car purchasers are not required to purchase either. Insurance requirements for car owners vary from state to state, but they are not dictated by car companies.
  1. Many car companies require original parts for leased-car repairs.
You don’t technically own a car when you lease it. Thus, if you damage it in a collision or accident, you have done damage to property that isn’t yours. Often, car companies that lease cars to drivers require them to replace damaged parts with original parts. Original parts can only be bought from the original manufacturer and can be very expensive. When a car owner damages his car, he has the choice to replace the damaged part with any part of his choice; this can ultimately save him a good deal of money.

If you're looking to lease or buy a car and have questions on Dallas Auto Insurance, giveAmerico Direct Insurance a call at 214-374-9997.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Filling out a 1040EZ Tax Form

With only 5 days left until tax day, the countdown to finish all your tax forms is on. To do so correctly, it's important that you're familiar with the different types of tax forms. After all, proper knowledge of these forms will prevent you from filling out unneeded forms and doing extra work while filing. One of the quickest and easiest tax forms to submit is the 1040EZ. Many people are eligible to file a 1040EZ tax form, but unfortunately very few know the basics of what a 1040EZ is.

 1.) The 1040EZ tax is typically the first form you will fill out
This form is the most simple type of tax form, and should be used in any events in which you need a straightforward tax form. If you have regular income, no children, no estate to claim, no foreign income and no tax shelter costs, the 1040EZ is perfect for you. Using the 1040EZ tax form is most appropriate when only the basic information is needed in order to determine the amount of money that will be owed or given back during the tax season.

 2.)The 1040EZ tax is considered to be an alternative to the 1040  In order to be able to use a 1040EZ, you need to meet certain stipulations. These stipulations include: having an income of less than $100,000 that is taxable, interest income of $1,500 or less, and having no dependents. An easy way to differentiate between the two forms is to look at the end of the form. After all, the EZ at the end of the 1040EZ form was put there in order to signify the ease with which you can complete it.

3.)  The simplicity of the form makes it simple for you to fill out individually A 1040EZ requires very limited information, such as a your social security number and gross income. Once you begin to add more stipulations, such as a child or getting married, you will need to switch from the 1040EZ and begin using a tax form called the 1040 or 1040A, as they allow for more information when filing your taxes.  By taking to an experienced agent at Americo Direct Insurance, it is much easier to determine exactly which form would work best for you. Our Texas Tax PreparationDepartment is ready to help you with your taxes. Give us a call us today at 214-347-9997for more information on which form can best benefit you. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Auto Insurance in Dallas

Dallas was founded in 1841 and was formally incorporated as a city in February 1856. The city's economy is primarily based on banking, commerce, telecommunications, computer technology, energy, healthcare and medical research, transportation and logistics. The city is home to the third largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies in the nation. Located in North Texas and a major city in the American South, Dallas is the main core of the largest inland metropolitan area in the United States that lacks any navigable link to the sea.

The city's prominence arose from its historical importance as a center for the oil and cotton industries, and its position along numerous railroad lines. With the advent of the interstate highway system in the 1950s and 1960s, Dallas became an east/west and north/south focal point of the interstate system with the convergence of four major interstate highways in the city, along with a fifth interstate loop around the city. Dallas developed a strong industrial and financial sector, and a major inland port, due largely to the presence of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports in the world.

In the latest rankings released on September 14, 2011, Dallas was rated as an Alpha- world city by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network and is the only city in the South Central region to achieve that status. Dallas is also ranked 14th in world rankings of GDP by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.


Auto Insurance

What is auto insurance?
Auto insurance protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. It is a contract between you and the insurance company. You agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as defined in your policy.

Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage:

  • Property coverage pays for damage to or theft of your car.
  • Liability coverage pays for your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage.
  • Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses.
An auto insurance policy is comprised of six different kinds of coverage. Most states require you to buy some, but not all, of these coverages. If you're financing a car, your lender may also have requirements.

Most auto policies are for six months or a year. Your insurance company should notify you by mail when it's time to renew the policy and to pay your premium.

Why do you need auto insurance?
It's really all about protecting yourself financially.

  • If you're in an accident or your car is stolen, it costs money, often a lot of money, to fix or replace it.
  • If you or any passengers are injured in an accident, medical costs can be extremely expensive.
  • If you or your car is responsible for damage or injury to others, you may be sued for much more than you're worth.
  • Not only is having insurance a prudent financial decision, many states require you to have at least some coverage.
Questions to ask your agent
Your Independent Agent is an advocate for finding auto insurance that meets your specific needs. Here are a few things to consider as you prepare for the discussion:

  • How much can you afford to pay if you get in an accident? (To keep premiums low you may want to have a higher deductible and be willing to pay more for repairs.)
  • What is the insurance company's level of service and ability to pay claims?
  • What discounts are available? (Ask about good driver, multiple policy and student discounts.)
  • What's the procedure for filing and settling a claim? (Ask who to call and what happens after you file a claim.)
For more information about Dallas auto insurance, contact Americo Direct Insurance today at 214-374-9997.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Important tips for before you buy car insurance

Your car insurance policy is full of legal jargon that can be difficult to understand. The declarations page that you receive when your policy renews contains the essential parts of the car policy. Car insurers try to compete for their competitor’s policyholders. Car insurance company uses actuaries and underwriters to help determine the rates that keep them competitive. Here are a few things to keep in mind to stay a step ahead of these actuaries and underwriters while insurance shopping.
Your Rating Territory
Your neighbors in your area determine the rates in your community whether you like it or not. The insurance companies call these rating territories. High losses and frequency of incidents in your area call for higher rates and visa versa.

Know the Difference between Liability Insurance and Physical Damage Insurance
Liability insurance protects you when you are responsible for an auto accident. This is valuable because this is the portion that insures you against the highest risk and financial loss. Liability claims should not be cut short; death and injury are by far the most expensive part of auto claims.

The Physical Damage portion of a car insurance policy involves the vehicles. Self-insuring in this area by buying this coverage with high deductibles is a good idea. Low deductibles no longer warrant the high premiums for the protection afforded because they do not occur often enough. To save you thousands of dollars over the life time of your auto policy, choose a policy with a high deductible.

Look into Car Insurance Discounts
Cars with air bags, anti-lock brakes, seat belts, and anti-theft devices all have discounts. Senior drivers receive retirement discounts if they ask for them. Young drivers certified with driver training education also qualify for discounts. Some insurance companies give student discounts for drivers with a 3.0 grade point average or higher.
When shopping for car insurance it’s also important to have certain information available like the driver’s license number for all the drivers, the vehicle identification number for all the vehicles and your most updated insurance information will make your shopping easier. Contact us to get a Dallas auto insurance quote at 214.295.5700.