Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Safe Holiday Cooking

The holiday season is a time to share with loved ones. It’s a time to take a break from your hectic work schedule and relax. It’s also a time to stuff yourself with succulent meals and sugary sweets. Preparing such meals takes an enormous amount of effort, and with your focus pulled in so many directions simultaneously, the risk of a kitchen fire increases. In this article, we’ll look at safety measures you can take while cooking for the holidays.

Keep a Watchful Eye
The number one culprit of kitchen fires is unattended cooking. Always remain in the kitchen when using the stovetop or grilling. While simmering for extended periods or using the oven you can roam the house and complete other chores, but do not leave and keep an open ear for timers going off.

Dress for the Occasion
While cooking, you should wear clothes that fit snugly. Any dangling sleeves or baggy shirts can easily catch fire, especially around your stovetop. Close-toed shoes will protect your feet from hot drips and spills.

Avoiding and Treating Burns
If children are in the house, use the back burners when possible and turn pan handles inward to prevent accidental tipping. However, you may want to make a rule that children must stay at least three feet away from heated cooking appliances for their own safety.
If you or a child does get burned, immediately submerge the burned portion of skin in cool water for three to five minutes. If any burns appear to be more severe than a first degree burn, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Fight or Flee?
If a fire ignites inside of a pan, carefully slide a lid over the pan using an oven mitt. Immediately turn off the burner and let it cool before removing the lid. Never douse grease fires with water, as that could splash burning oil to other areas of your kitchen.

If a fire is too big to contain or extinguish, evacuate your home immediately. Close all doors to the burning room as you leave to prevent spreading. Alert everyone in the house to leave and call 911 immediately.

Enjoy your holidays in a safe, secure home. Call Americo Direct Insurance at (214) 374-9997 for more information on Dallas home insurance.

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